Best: Tales of Symphonia (Gamecube)
Worst: Tales of Phantasia (GBA)
I didn't know anything about Tales games until I played Tales of Symphonia on Gamcube. I like Tales of Symphonia very much. With me, it's the best Tales game ever and I have 3 copies of it: 2 on Gamecube version and 1 on PS2 version.Every versions have different OP songs. Luckily, I found 2 rare Tales games:Tales of Desitny I & II on Ebay 2 years ago with a reasonable price.
Best: Phoenix Wright 1
Worst: ????
Very good series. Love it when I played the 1st version( I am a huge fan of Detective Conan and Kindaichi so it's easy for me to fall in love with detective things) . Why do I have Jp Ace Attorney? Because I didn't have patient to wait for the US verions.
This game was the reason I bought and kept the Xbox. I beat the original Xbox version over 9 times but the Black and Sigma verions I only played them 1 time.
I like the story very much although the gameplay is not good but it is not bad. So, I went to Ebay and bought some Jp,EU Shenmue versions for my collections. I have 3x Shenmue I version(1 NA,2 Jp) and 3 Shenmue II(1 NA,1Jp,1Eu) including What's Shenmue?. As same as Ninja Gaiden, I have to keep my Dreamcast console to be able to play these games. PLEASE, MAKE A SHENMUE III ,SEGA.
I know it' suck with no Final Fantasy but the only FF game I like is Final Fantasy X.
Super Robot Taisen is my best series games and I have a lot of them on every different consoles(from SS to X360). I bought the Jp Gamecube because I wanted to play Super Robot Taisen GC and the Jp Xbox 360 for Super Robot Taisen XO( a remake GC version). With me, if there is a new Super Robot Taisen game out, I will buy it with no regret