I am just an ordinary person who like to buy Otaku stuff :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The end of a video game collector

After being a video game collector for 6 years,I am kind of getting bored of video games. Actually, I have no time to play the games I buy and when I play new games,I feel I do not enjoy them like the old days. I remembered 4-5 years ago when I didn't have a job and only had a little money from my parents who gave me. I bought games and enjoyed them very much like Kingdom Hearts,Ninja Gaiden,Silent Hill 2,Shenmue,FFX...one game could get me 1-3 months to finish it. But nowadays I barely touch or play the game I buy. So, I finally decided to put the games that i don't like and play on Ebay.



Anonymous said...

I find that I have slowed down myself. I just sold off all my portables and accessories. I really only get a few games now, and stay with them for longer. I'm still playing but I don't really buy games, or anime for collecting anymore. But I still love gaming/anime.

Anonymous said...

I was like you too. I kept buying every games for the XBOX, but never had the time to play them all. I still have some of them still in the package. What a waste of money?

Nhan Phan said...

will check them out for sure.

Unknown said...

more space for ANIME w000!

bunbungirl said...
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ANH said...

Thanks bunbungirl. I'll add you. Your blog is Japanese language which I can't understand.

To macinnsot: Me,too. I rarely buy and play video games. If I buy them,I put them up on Ebay to make some money.

Mana Knight said...

I can understand. I feel the same way too and have started to become much less of a collector. I don't regret it at all.
